Orthodontics / Aligners / Aligner Digital Design: CLINICAL ALIGNER PLAN
Service Details
Details about this service:This service includes loading the patient’s models, segmenting and annotating the teeth, cleaning the models and prepare an initial digital aligner setup. This setup is a DRAFT that is ideal for patient demonstration purposes, or for a clinician to review and finalize prior to aligner fabrication.
A root based plan, based on the segmented CT teeth, is an additional add on option for $20. CT Scan would be required.
Service Includes:This service includes an aligner digital setup DRAFT ideal for a quick patient demonstration or for a clinician to review, improve and finalize.
Service Does Not Include:This service does NOT include a final or a clinical digital tooth setup. This service does not include phone or video communication with the planning team. The Lab Pronto messaging system can be used for communication and modification requests. This service does not include also model or aligner export or printing.